to all beloved readers. How are you today? Well...Qaisara
is 3 months old!! (excited mommy)Giving
birth was the most amazing thing that happened (it was like a miracle) despite
all the pains (it was “unimaginable” until I experience it myself!!) I’ve been
going through. 20 bones getting fractured at the same time! Can you imagine??
No, right? Masha Allah…all I did was praying for forgiveness and mercy from
Allah…and istighfar. That was what kept me going (before I asked the nurse to
give me the painkiller but then, it was too late)…but, I feel glad not to have
that painkiller.Actually,
I started to feel the contraction on 13th October
2015 (38 weeks 6 days) when I woke up in the morning...but I didn’t really know
if that was a real contraction or just “Braxton Hicks”. I just felt my tummy
was not as comfortable as usual, so I just told my parents to go to the
hospital (before it was too late). I called my husband who was in Sabah,
working as usual. As a first time father to be, he started to worry (really
worried and it showed by texting me every two minutes) about me and keep asking
whether I want him to be back ‘NOW’ because he had his flight ticket on 14th October
at 5.20 p.m…it was 1 Muharram. But i told him i was just fine and he really
have to not so worry about me.
(me with my parents) arrived at the hospital at about 11.30 a.m. I met many
pupils with the same situation as mine…at the bilik pemeriksaan, we need to
wait for quite a moment because many mommy-to-be were queuing to be checked by
the MA and the doctors were “limited edition” (you know what I mean).While
waiting and waiting…and waiting, I made lots of new friends ;) – was
decreasing the pain for a while as we chat and talk about giving birth
experiences à I
was the one who asked lots of questions because it was my first time and I know
being checked, the opening was just 3cm…so I was admitted for a night. I
thought that night was the time, but still not. I just felt the contractions
became stronger and stronger until morning.
14th October 2015 morning, i had my breakfast as usual and the nurse put some
vitamins in a small saucer beside the breakfast tray. I just ate them all
without asking anything because i was in a lot of pain. Actually, it was the
regular multivitamins from the hospital that i couldn't eat that or else it
will make me fells dizzy and vomiting. Unfortunately, it was too late.
was pushed on a wheel chair into the labour room with my mum by my side
(because husband's flight at 5.20 pm remember) about 2.00 p.m. Each and every
time i had my contractions, i was vomiting at the same time…and all I
can do was just pray for mercy from Allah and zikir all the time. And after a
while…it was time to the “push” thing. I was just followed the nurses’
instructions. Even though I had attended an antenatal class for asthma and they
taught me breathing method during labour, but when there was the time, I forgot
to breathe! I forgot everything! Luckily I have my beloved mum by my side who
kept giving me moral supports…thank you ma…I love you so much.
next thing happened was at about 6.17 p.m. It was 14th October 2015,
which was 1 Muharram 1437 H, my darling little princess was born. She weigh 3.2
kg. The moment I saw my baby, I could see my husband in her…she was so into her
abah…so so sooooo into her abah…and I was a proud mommy.
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This is my baby girl minutes after she was born... |
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This is her now. Look at that smirking face...don't grow up so fast baby! |
She is the best gift from Allah to us. I pray to Allah to give us strength to raise her and to be the best parents to her. And may Allah bless her for the rest of her life. Be a good girl, be kind, be a role model to your siblings, be an anak solehah ye sayang. Abah and momma love you so much!!
I hope one fine day, when Qaisara could read and understand, she will read this and I hope she will not feel bored while reading it...haha.
That’s all…see you!XO!